
“...few can argue that anyone has worked harder or tried so many different musical avenues as Bilal. Sporting at last count, two solo pseudonyms, and four active bands, they are creating a body of work that is keeping discogs busy. The projects they are involved in are vastly different from each other……a trait that seems to bind all of their musical projects together is a sense of urgency and attack.” -Samuel Clinton Goff (A Jazz Noise)

Currently based in Brooklyn NY, composer, performer, improviser and engineer Abdul Hakim Bilal spent eight years honing their craft in the Richmond, VA. area, becoming a vital and integral part of that city's experimental music scene. A native of Tacoma, Washington, Bilal still feels spiritually rooted there and many of their experiences still permeate and inform their personality both musically and personally. Struggles with sleep paralysis and out of body experiences served as a springboard and an ensuing language in which they would interpret the world. “In my work, I rely less on the idea of an artist, instead forcing a separation of the self in order to express my vision” Bilal states.

Rich and esoteric cultural influences have helped shape their sonic output. Bilal’s longest running musical project is Among The Rocks And Roots a two piece distressed noise rock band that uses deep, trance inducing techniques to lull listeners into the band’s deep rooted messages. Active since 2014 the band has released two albums in a three album trilogy detailing their struggles with addiction and recovery. As an improviser Bilal has performed with the Richmond Avant Improv Collective since 2015, drawing on a deep pool of fellow improvisers from varying musical backgrounds and genres. The Collective have released ten albums in that time to great critical acclaim. Bilal also provides drums for the noise rock outfit Faucet and the black metal trio Och. As a solo performer and composer they mostly record under the pseudonym Grey Wulf which focuses more on introspection and emotional response. 

Abdul Hakim Bilal is currently available for booking and for mixing and mastering inquiries. Click Here


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