“The band perform a kind of deranged noise rock-infected hardcore punk. They’ve got super beastly tones across their whole concoction, but the sprawling performances feel like they’re falling atop one another with a very palpable, real world desperation — like, perhaps, an angry attacker is lurking just behind. The band’s cacophony of angular chaos feels inescapably alluring, like a storm that you quickly find yourself right in the middle of. The music provides a damn good time with a rush of gripping determined frenzy to boot.

The roaring, chaotic drum hits feel like rubble falling to the earth, and the super heavy, crushing bass and guitar performances feel like a chaotic ping pong along some filthy alleyway, as if the speaker is kicking themselves along. Atop the mix, the vocals from Laura Marina sound incredibly frenzied, like a paranoid, determined lurch for some kind of security that turns up absolutely none of it, and so the dynamically swinging desperation just keeps going. The vocals and the whole mix feel like they’re packing flails and shouts, like the speaker — and, once diving in, the listener as well — are frantically jumping around on a high ledge. There’s both danger and a rush, tied together by exhilaration in the moment” -"Facuet Deliver Perfectly Calculated Frenzied Noisy Hardcore Blasts On Debut LP", by Caleb R. Newton, Captured Howls

Laura Marina’s voice rages and chokes under its own strain. Landan Walker’s guitars and John Graham’s bass play reflect influences from The Jesus Lizard to The Locust and Daughters; half panic attack, half psychotic break. All of this is held together by Abdul Hakim Bilal’s impeccably tight drumming and Laura’s power electronic. -”FAUCET / BITTER INSANE MELTING – RAGING NOISE INFUSED HARDCORE FOR OUR TIME” by Joe-Julian Naitsri, Astral Noise

Members: Laura Marina (Vocals), John Graham (Bass), Landon Walker (Guitar), Abdul Hakim Bilal (Drums)


